🥷 [S2] Challenge 22
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Just KNIME It, Season 2 / Challenge 22 reference
Challenge question
Challenge 22: Help the Caddie (Part 2)
Level: Medium
Description: Last week you helped caddie Tom by identifying golf balls in the provided images. Tom is impressed by your work and asks you to improve your workflow, such that it also counts how many golf balls were identified. Essentially, for each image that Tom gives you, he wants to receive the number of golf balls that there are on it.
Author: Daria Liakh
Dataset: Golf Ball Data on the KNIME Hub
Count golf balls
Well, there's not much to say about this challenge.
knio.output_tables[0] = knio.Table.from_pandas(results.pandas().xyxy[0])
Here is the result:
xmin ymin xmax ymax confidence class name
4179.15478515625 1269.587646484375 4583.716796875 1664.4998779296875 0.9049593210220337 32 sports ball
3255.78515625 465.6520690917969 3661.38330078125 874.1115112304688 0.8818014860153198 32 sports ball
3461.444580078125 2447.076416015625 3858.622802734375 2853.328857421875 0.8552484512329102 32 sports ball
2096.8388671875 750.7371826171875 2497.156982421875 1153.9952392578125 0.8483225703239441 32 sports ball
530.2728271484375 1660.8865966796875 934.5801391601562 2065.828857421875 0.840567946434021 32 sports ball
934.0369873046875 551.8636474609375 1340.373291015625 961.6493530273438 0.8320283889770508 32 sports ball
2496.51318359375 1853.185546875 2904.94287109375 2269.48779296875 0.7965405583381653 32 sports ball
1343.6640625 2252.357666015625 1742.4659423828125 2654.333740234375 0.7928670644760132 32 sports ball